Be A Boss At The Pull Up

by Matt Hodges
06 July 2018

The pull up is one of those movements that everyone should be able to do. However, mastering this bodyweight exercise isn’t easy and actual physical weight plays a big part in how easy/hard the movement becomes.

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On Caveman Fitness Training

by Matt Hodges
05 May 2015

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Caveman Fitness Training - by The MPH Method

Workout fads are ten a penny, but there’s one technique that has literally been popular for more than 20,000 years: caveman fitness training.

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The 15 Minute Work & Home Workout

by Matt Hodges
08 October 2013

I cant remember how many times I’ve heard people say to me something along the lines of ‘But I just don’t have time to do any exercise, I work all day’, and yet the majority of us still find the time to scrawl social media and You Tube at work. Yes you know who you are, you’ve been caught out! Stop making excuses, it’s time to step up to the plate and start moving.

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The Importance Of Calisthenics

by Matt Hodges
16 July 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

Calisthenics are exercises that use your bodyweight for resistance and are designed to strengthen and tone your muscles and increase muscular endurance. Derived from the Greek kalos, meaning beauty, and sthenos, meaning strength, calisthenics don’t necessarily require any exercise equipment.

While many trainers dismiss calisthenics as only being suitable for beginners or the less fit, I always believe that this type of no-frills exercise can be a valuable addition to just about any training program for absolutely EVERYONE!

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Female Weight Lifting: Why Women NEED To Lift Compound Heavy

by Matt Hodges
06 July 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

Ive recently had a heated debate with a female client of mine about this hot topic in the fitness industry. It became clear to me the unbelievable misconception of female weight lifting and actually how much people listen to whats written in the media.  I thought it only appropriate, considering a high population of our clients that are female, that we should write an article to give our views on the subject.

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The Hybrid Single Leg Exercise

by Matt Hodges
09 March 2012

You want to make your legs stronger? The Hybrid Single Leg Exercise is a great one to try.

You essentially get two exercises in one:

  • Reverse lunge
  • Single leg Romanian deadlift (RDL)

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How To Get Strong Without Using Heavy Loads

by Matt Hodges
02 February 2012

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

Traditionally athletes have got stronger by lifting heavy weights, or in other words incorporating exercises with a high external load.

Examples include:

The back squat, where a heavy loaded barbell is placed across the upper back.

The military press, where a heavy barbell is pressed from the shoulders overhead.

The deadlift, where a heavy barbell is lifted off the floor.

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Accentuated Eccentric Training

by Matt Hodges
26 October 2011

Fitness Instructor London, Personal Trainer London

The subject of accentuated eccentric training has been a grey area of personal training for a number of years. Trainers should all know the basics but how many people actively use the different techniques with either themselves or their clients?

So let’s start by explaining what ‘Accentuated Eccentric Training’ actually is……

When performing an exercise there are three main areas of ‘concentration’. The ‘concentric’ phase (lifting a resistance against gravity), the isometric phase (holding a resistance without moving the joint angle or changing muscle length) and the eccentric phase (controlling a resistance going with gravity). Using ‘squats’ as a good example, the most important area of the exercise is when you are coming down to the deepest point – this is your eccentric phase. In the same example the concentric phase occurs when you are pushing the weight upwards (more important with powerlifters).

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Strength Training – Beating The Plateau

by Matt Hodges
14 June 2011


The subject of strength training is as diverse as any other area of fitness, with numerous protocols and regimes that claim to make you stronger.

Most trainers have their preferred way of getting their clients strong and most certified Strength & Conditioning coaches have a set method in which they use. This is all well and said but in my opinion only a handful of these ‘strength and conditioning coaches’ actually practice what they preach. Here’s how to undertake strength training and make sure you’re beating the plateau.

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