Santa’s Little Helf Tips
by Matt Hodges
21 December 2022
Christmas has me feeling extra Santa mental, so I thought it only fair to give you my three best take away health and fitness tips (and my best Xmas puns) to get you through the Christmas period without leaving you feeling like you’ve birthed a Turkey.
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Be A Boss At The Pull Up
by Matt Hodges
06 July 2018
The pull up is one of those movements that everyone should be able to do. However, mastering this bodyweight exercise isn’t easy and actual physical weight plays a big part in how easy/hard the movement becomes.
Why Love Island is killing the fitness industry
by Matt Hodges
30 June 2017
…and nutritionists, make-up artists and anyone else who makes a living by helping people to ‘look better’.
Superfood Spotlight: Why Blueberries can Boost Your Workout
by Matt Hodges
25 March 2016
Blueberries are a super food in so many ways. They are cheap, readily available all year round, easy to eat (no peeling!), delicious and – most importantly of all – they are packed full of antioxidants and a range of health-boosting nutrients.
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An Interview with…Masters rower Jess Lion
by Matt Hodges
25 February 2016
Jess Lion is a Masters rower at the Mortlake Anglian and Alpha Rowing Club, and came to us in need of a bit of an overhaul. With an existing stomach condition and poor posture Jess needed our full support to give her back the drive to get back in the boat and compete again. Not only that but Jess now out performs for her age/weight category and also now competitively runs.
Indulging in superfoods? Try these supermarket staples instead.
by Matt Hodges
30 December 2015
Here at The MPH Method, we acknowledge the power of supplements in supporting health and fitness programmes. Formulated powders and shakes definitely have their place – but it’s an educated approach to all-round nutrition that is key to promoting personal wellbeing and the very best training results.
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Need the ultimate workout booster? Avocados are the ‘good guys.’
by Matt Hodges
28 November 2015
Fat is not always bad. Take the avocado – it has a massive 10g of monounsaturated fat per every 100g, and it is packed full of omega-3 fatty acids, yet it is widely hailed as one of the healthiest ingredients on the planet.
Want better workout results? Unleash the power of your music
by Matt Hodges
31 October 2015

Most of us like to listen to music while we work out. Whether it’s a carefully-chosen playlist blasting through your iPod while you run through the local park; or a high-octane dance mix thumping out of the speakers at your gym – the right music can help you to raise your game and get even more out of your performance.
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Why Fish can boost your workout
by Matt Hodges
01 October 2015
Every year brings a new ‘superfood’ fad. We are currently in the Age of Kale, but we have also witnessed the Quinoa Years, the Eggwhite Era and Acai Season. While all of these ingredients are undeniably ‘super’ in their own ways, they are no match for the most enduring superfood of all: fish.
The benefits of napping during the day
by Matt Hodges
02 September 2015